A Conversation with ICU Nurse Christiaan Letsinger aka Red Beard RN
Today I interview ICU nurse, social media influencer, dad, student and now travel nurse Christiaan Letsinger, RN aka Red Beard RN. We get into how his vision for raising his baby Juniper changed overnight with the stay at home order last March 2020. He also opens up about what getting Covid-19 was like, especially someone who is a diabetic and how terrifying that experience was, especially being a new dad. Plus, he shares how he got seriously burnt out from trying to be this "super nurse", how he remedied that and how he is trying to help others from having that same experience.
This was a fascinating interview. I hope you enjoy it!
Thank you so much for being on the show! I can't wait to have you back on the show to talk diabetes education! Please go follow him on his Instagram @redbeardrn for great nursing content.
Stay Safe and Stay Sane,